Self-Driving Fall Getways with Pets, Our Dream! | PAWZ Road



Self-Driving Fall Getways with Pets, Our Dream!

Self-Driving Fall Getways with Pets, Our Dream! | PAWZ Road

Are you dreaming of kissing the cool fall breeze, treading the crisp fallen leaves, and embracing the autumn world with your pets? I believe that your pet should also be ready to embark on a journey. Not only can you hike with your dog, camping, cycling or jogging on weekends with your cat, you can also go on a fall getways.

Fallen Leaves

Have you ever met the same experiece that every time you come across some beautiful scenes, and you will have a bold idea - how perfect it is if you can enjoy it together with your beloved pets? Driven by this thought, taking your dog or cat to start a fall getways will be one of the travel goals you have to achieve.


Generally speaking, there are two typical ways to travel with a pet: Self-driving and traveling by aircraft. For cats and dogs, as well as their different breeds, the choice and preparation for traveling varies. Here is a self-driving strategy for the vulgaris fur friends. If there is any special case, please consult a veterinarian who will help you get a best suggestion.



Self-Driving Fall Getways with a Dog


Before heading out, self-driving tour requires a lot of prior planning for a dog.

1. Estimate distance and time.

Self-driving is suitable for close proximity, especially driving with pet, within eight hours is perfect. (Attention please, continuously driving time should not exceed eight hours.)


2. Pet Friendly Hotel.

Booking pet acceptable hotel room in advance. In the United States, most hotels accept pets, but different hotels charge 10 to 100 dollars or more, and some hotels require a pet deposit. The specific pet policy of each hotel is generally written on the official website of their own. It should be noted that chain hotels under the same brand may have different policies in different locations. Therefore, the safest way is to go to the official website of the hotel you want to check in, and call the hotel to confirm their pet occupancy policy before booking. (Push a hotel here: La Quinta. They are one of the few branches in the United States that do not charge extra fees, do not require a deposit, and accept pet chains.)

pet friendly hotel

3. Pet Friendly Destination.

It’s crucial indeed. When choosing the destination, you need to check it online or contact the scenic spot to make sure your dog is accepted. Plan B is always needed.

pet friendly camping sites

4. Dog travel gear.

  • Jacket or coat keep your dog warm in case of cold. If possible, bring a dog raincoat or life vest is a plus great idea. Shoes or rain boots can protect a dog from bruise, miriness, or cold cracking.

dog coat

dog raincoat

dog shoes

  • Dog food, snacks and toys are essential to prevent your pet from hungry and getting bored.
  • Portable pet bottle keeps your dogs hydrated.
Dog water bottle
  • Grooming supplies and first aid kits are vital as well.
  • Dog identity tag, LED collar and leash. These are crucial. In case the dog is lost, it’s convenient for new owner to find and contact you. You can also make your dog wear a collar with a positioning function or LED collar to make it easier to spot in the dark in case you’re camping or going out in the evening.

dog leash

Dog LED collar

    5. Vehicle travel gear.

    • Dog harness, safe seat belt. It makes your dog sit safely in the seat during driving, avoiding the dangerous behavior of unpredictably coming out of the window to make pedestrians  spook.
    dog seat belt
    • A soft and cozy blanket, bed or your clothes your dog familiar can make your dog feel like at home and comfortable during driving.

    pet blanket

    pet bed

    • Car seat cover. A waterproof, durable cover can keep car seats clean, prevent your seats from pets stains. There are normal pet seat cover, co-pilot car seat cover and car trunk pet cover. Selecting the suitable one base on your own needs.

    pet car seat cover

    pet copilot seat cover

    • Pet car fence or barrier. You’d better to install a pet car fence for making sure your driving without interruption by dog’s paws or else. Just keep it in mind that you are safe, so your dog will be safe as well.

    pet car barrier

    6. Other essentials.

    Please keep your dog’s health certificate, vaccination certificate or rabies certificate in case of need.

     vaccination certificate

    7. In the last but least, do not leave a dog alone in the car. 

    No matter you are going to the convenience store to buy some snacks or will come back in a few minutes. Never please! Those summer news that a dogs dying in the stove car because of the owner’s careless and fluky are more often than not. This issue still can not be ignored in fall.


    7 Hacks to Self-Driving with a Cat

    Cats have a strong desire for curiosity and exploration. They like to explore all the novelties in their surroundings. If cats stay indoors for a long time, there is no other entertainment except eating and sleeping, over time, the cat will have obesity problems. Thus, it is wise to take the cat out to stroll to consume the excess heat of the cat, and prevent the cat from getting fat.

    cat go on a travel

    However, it is said that self-driving with a cat is more difficult than traveling with a dog. In fact, that is not the case. The next hacks help you finish your trip smoothly, piece of cake!

    1. Make the cat adapt to outsides.

    Often walking with your cat in the yard or near your house, let your cat gradually adapt to the outsides complicated voices and be no longer afraid of the strangers. Then help your cat love your car. ( It won’t be covered again here, you can see my blog Everybody’s Pet Peeves, So Are They”- How to relieve your pet’s stress on the road of visiting vet?) This is a premise.

    cat harness

    2. Consult the vet if the status of your cat is suitable for travel.

    If all aspects of your cat's physical condition meet the travel needs, then please move on the next hacks.

    3. Choose a cat space bag or soft cat carrier with a suitable size.

    Imaging that if the bag space is too small and even the cat is not easy to move inside, it will be very annoyed. After a long time, the cat will have a negative association with the carrier, which will affect your cat's nice experience of the fall getways.

    cat space carrier

    4. Make your cat wear seat belt in car.

    Do not let your cat sway in the car while driving, it’s dangerous, because if the cat can move freely, the cat may be attracted or scared by the scenery or other things along the way, and you may be distracted to take care of the cat, which is a big threat to driving safety, so it is best to keep the cat to the space box or carrier with a seat belt, cat harness and collar.

    5. Keep air fresh.

    Ensure the air inside carrier is fresh and the temperature is appropriate during driving.

    6. Cat traveling gear.

      • Cat food, snacks, toys and first aid kits. Toys can keep the cat from being bored during the trip, and the toy can also divert the cat's attention and relieve the stress caused by the cat. If you have prepared special food for the cat, then be sure to prepare enough, otherwise it will be difficult to run out halfway.

      cat scratching board

      • Cat litter and cat litter box. There's no way to carry a big litter box to go on a fall getways, due to inconvenient. However, you can prepare a portable and foldable one with handles, easy to carry and operate easily. Then put the cat litter into it, kind note that cat litter must be daily used by your cat rather than a new and unfamiliar one may be rejected by your cat.

      portable cat litter box

      • Outdoor cat water cup. Ensure a cat's daily water intake to keep your cat  hydrated during the fall getways.
      travel portable pet cup
      • Cat identity tag. It is crucial. In case the cat is lost, it is convenient for new owner to help find and contact you. You can also prepare a collar with a positioning function for your cat.
      cat identity tag
      • Cat calming spray. If your cat is uneasy, you can take a pet-specific calming spray and spray it in the carrier to ease your cat’s nervousness.
      Cat calming spray

        7. Take a few breaks during your trip.

        Both of you and your cat will be tired during long driving trips. It is recommended that you take frequent breaks several times. When you are in the service area, you can put the cat out to eat snacks, drink water, pull the urine in the litter box or walk around. However, please keep your cat within sight at all times.

          cat in car


          A Final Suggestion

          If your cat or dog is very timid, and really uncomfortable and afraid of vehicle, please never force them. I wish all pet parents who are going to have a self-driving fall getways with your pet can enjoy a wonderful and unforgettable journey.

          on the road

          Do you have any self-driving tips or special funny experience with your pet? Please share with us in the comment!


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